Executive search, culture, and leadership consulting for nonprofits, foundations, associations and social impact companies.

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Nonprofit Executive Search

At DRiWaterstone, we are nonprofit and social impact executive recruiters based in Washington, DC. Our team of experts has led more than 1,000 searches for a range of regional, national, and international nonprofit and social impact enterprise organizations. Our executive search services are comprehensive, ranging from Chief Executive Officers reimagining the strategic direction of large associations to Major Gift Officers forging relationships with donors in a new region. With decades of experience working with purpose and mission-driven organizations, our nonprofit talent management team has created a distinctive model of search that suits our clients’ needs and a tested process that executes it efficiently.

And we know that when it comes to leadership, the building doesn’t stop with hiring: we support our retained executive search practice with onboarding, coaching, staffing assessments and design, and nonprofit Board opportunities.

Contact us to request an executive search that will help your organization grow, thrive, and excel.